Exam exam exam

The upcoming exam I told you about is the final one in that course, which is lovely since I realized that it was the most boring class I have taken so far. Marketing is such an important part of the organizational structure, but marketing research is not interesting at all. Formulating questionnaires and penetrate the target market into segments and analyzing why people buy a certain product. I am glad though that I chose to take this course, because I had already decided to take a master within marketing management but I have now rapidly changed my mind. I will do a master in management and organizational development instead, which is what I want to work with later on in my career.

I was on my way to the gym this morning, and I am still on my way so to say. I have been studying for a couple of hours now and I need a break. I hope it will stop snowing in a bit… This gives me a reason to watch an episode of the OC while I am waiting.


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