
I just came home from the hairdresser. Ended up doing highlights and a cut. I am so glad that my hairdresser remembered me since I haven't seen her in almost one and a half year. She did a great job as usual!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Club Caj

We were at Club Caj last night. So much fun and unexpected things happened!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Thomas Bodström

Just nu sitter jag på en föreläsning av fd Socialdemokraternas Thomas Bodström.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Centralstationen i Malmö

Se vilket fint Espresso House de öppnat på Malmö C. Nästan så att man vill gå dit oftare.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Spring rolls

My roomie showed me how to cook spring rolls tonight! It was awesome!!

Auf Wiedersehen!


I have problems with


Semelbak idag hos Line!

Auf Wiedersehen!


Usch! Helkväll igår. Jag är så himla sliten idag. Nu Biggest Looser på TV! Auf Wiedersehen!


- 25 Kettlebell swings 16 kg
- 25 Push-ups
- 400m run on the treadmill
 x 4 rounds

Auf Wiedersehen!


Research, research & research… That’s exactly what I am up to right now. I am still wearing my night wear and a robe, drinking the third cup of tea and brainstorms. It is hard finding relevant articles and information to our thesis. Everything should be so much easier if we first got the information and then choose the topic.

Today is just one of those days when you don’t feel like doing anything. I am planning on going for a power walk to clear my brain from all articles I have been reading. I am looking forward to the coffee date we are going to have at Johan’s later this afternoon.

Auf Wiedersehen!

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