Gossip Girl

Latest episode of Gossip Girl with a glas of sparkeling wine. This Tuesday is good! I love cozy nights. I wish I will get married in a Vera Wang dress one day.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Welcome to the family

Sometimes it just happens...

Auf Wiedersehen!


I met my cousines for lunch yesterday at SPOT. I always talk too much, when the waiter came and took away our plates I had only been eating half of my meal…! After some shopping we ended up at the coffee shop ”Little off” at Davidhallstorg.


C had invited me for dinner last night. I brought with me a bottle of red wine, I was eager to try something new and ended up buying ”Santa Ana”. It was delicious and I really recommend it, the best thing was of course that it was labeled Ana! We were suppose to pop some popcorn after dinner, and for the second time in a row ICA’s popcorn almost started a fire in the microwave.

At Little off

My sweety C with our burning bag of popcorn

Auf Wiedersehen!


Last night

S♥ and I had a romantic dinner last night with sushi and champange. I love these cozy nights on the couch zipping champange and just cuddle infront of the TV. Later we met S♥'s hockey friends at Interpool to play pool and have a drink. We came home before midnight, which was nice when we woke up well-rested this morning.

Time to get dressed.

Auf Wiedersehen!


My cute little thesis group and I went to Ängelholm today. We had a meeting with our supervisor. After a baked-potatoe-lunch we decided what topic our thesis will be nisched on. Can't wait to get started!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Hello apple

E and I had the greatest workout last night, I started out 30 min on the cross trainer and then did the WOD. When I am almost done she is coming with tickets to the body attack. Pusch! 60 minutes of cardio.

I love being back with my classmates! Just see how cute they are. Have you recognized all the apple computers? It reminds me of that I really need a new one.

I am going home today. It is still exam period at Lund University and I got my exam in Public Economics left. Wish me good luck!

Auf Wiedersehen!


Today's WOD:

- 10 Hand stand push ups
- 20 Toes to bar
- 30 Box jumps
- 40 Burpees
- 50 Squats (20kg)

x2 rounds

Auf Wiedersehen!

Industrial Organization

A new day with new energy. If you couldn’t tell yesterday I was pissed on everything around me. But after a night’s sleep I am back on track again. I will start my new course today, as I told you, in Industrial Organization. The afternoon will be spend in school with E. Sadly we are not having any courses together this semester, but it’s always nice to have a study pal to eat lunch with and so on.

This remembers me on that E hasn't been guestblogging for so long. Got to talk to her about it!

Auf Wiedersehen!

En Italienare & en grek

I ate dinner with L yesterday at En Italienare & En Grek. Tortellini with a glas of wine, sometimes Sunday night is not too bad!

My life is pretty hectic at the moment I have so many things to handle. The worst part of my day was that the study counselor told me that I have to take another NEK course even though I already got 180hp of NEK on the right levels. Stupid! Therefore I need to take Industrial Organization, which started last Tuesday. I got to look forward and focus on my last semester.

At the moment, I am really angry!  I was on my way to the gym with E and the busdriver drove pass me. No body jam today...!

I hope my day will turn out better tomorrow.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Rice Crisps

It was a pre-party at V&V’s apartment last night. Even though I did not go with them to Sliver I had a great night. I was still tired from my night out on Thursday, which made me drink coke instead of wine yesterday. I decided to walk home along Vätter Stranden from V&V, the weather was so nice. Since it had been snowing the whole day, everything was white and the lake was so peaceful.

When I came home, my rommie had made a surprise for me and left it on the kitchen table. It was traditional rice crisps from Vietnam.

Auf Wiedersehen!


Today's WOD:

Run 3,5km on the treadmill x 1

-       20 rep. Kettle bell swings (12 kg)
-       20 rep. Russian twist (12kg)
-       20 rep. Push ups
-       20 rep. Sumo deadlift
-       50 rep. Sit-ups

x 3 rounds

Auf Wiedersehen!


Today is just one of those days when I really miss S♥. I can't wait to see him again on Thirsday.

It is Saturday and I am on my way to Sportlife.
Have a good weekend all readers!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Club Caj

We went to Club Caj at Karlssons Salonger yesterday. I had almost forgot how funny it used to be!

Mingle Pics

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Why is it always crappy rainy weather in Jönköping? Lucky me, I got Hunters! Even though I prefer to use heels wellington boots are comfy!

I met all my classmates yesterday at a gathering at Ronnie’s and Rickard’s apartment. The happiness just bubbled inside me when I came home. I didn’t know how much I really had missed them until last night. This final semester will be AWESOME!

I have some mission to accomplish today, first of all I need to get in contact with the study counselor and discuss my courses for this semester. Also, I need to buy a bike, found one on Blocket.se last night… Finally, I am going to buy a gym membership. Gladly, my cute Friskis&Svettis geeks keep sending me workouts for the week. I promise, you wont be disappointed I will get back fitter than ever!

Auf Wiedersehen!

WOD of the week

Let try this out!

- Run 3,2 km
- Rest 2 minutes
- 20kg Squat clean, 20 reps
- 20 Box jump, 60cm box
- 20 Walking lunge steps with (utfall) 10 kg plate held overhead
- 20 Box jump, 60cm box
- 20 kg Squat clean, 20 reps
- Rest 2 minutes
- Run 3.2 km

I will buy a gym membership at Sportlife tomorrow.

Auf Wiedersehen!


Wow, this morning really sucked! The only good thing that happened, which a normal day should have been a disaster, was that I passed my last exam to my Bachelor in Economics.

I am on my way to JIBS where E is waiting for me to take a coffee. It will be so much fun catching up with everyone today, since I haven’t seen them in almost a year. I can’t wait to hear all stories about their year as an exchange student around the world.

This afternoon will be spent at Café Johan together with my thesis group, H and J. Bet we will do a good job during this final semester at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS). It is hard to imagine that this is my last months with these entirely wonderful people!

Today's nails

Auf Wiedersehen!


I moved to Jönköping today. Mom helped me out driving me up with all my belongings. After a long day I finally got installed, accept from that I don’t have any freezer, TV cable or internet… At least I got my clothes!

Here is some pictures from my new apartment;

Auf Wiedersehen!

iPad blogging

This is my first comment from our iPad. I do not like the spell-check at all....!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Last friday night

I had a really good Friday last night! After an IW workout I picked up C and Z for some food shopping. It ended up being pasta with bacon and tomato sauce, which was tasty! I like these girl nights with cooking, wine and gossip! Always a pleasure!

This morning was insane though! I went to the gym at 10 to do a WOD (work-out of the day). The wildest workout ever!

·         30 Kettle bell  swings

·         30 Box jumps

·         400m of running on the treadmill

·         20 push-ups

·         20 thrusters

·         20 brupees

x 5 rounds!

Oh yes! I am feeling a bit sore!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Good night

365 days ago

To day is it exactly 1 year ago I moved to Chicago, entered NPU and met J for the first time.

I am feeling sad.

Christmas eve's favorites

I baked some flat bread for our traditional Christmas dinner at my parents place. A recipe I got from Z’s mom. (I was over for dinner at Z just before Christmas, and she gave me a sample of her mom’s flat bread. They were just delicious!) However, my flat bread ended up being the success of the Christmas table. After a couple of orders I decided to bake some more a couple of days ago. I promise you will taste these ones. Therefore I will post the recipe to you;

* 200 degrees in the oven

* Mix all ingredients’;
- 1dl Oats
- 1dl Pumpkin seed
- 1dl Sunflower seed
- 1dl Sesame seed
- 1dl Linseed
- 3,5dl Flour
- 1,25dl Olive oil
- 2dl Water
- 1 tsk Baking soda
- 1 tsk Salt

* Scrape the mixture on a baking sheet, make it thin! Sprinkle sea salt over it.
* Slot squares.
* Leave it in the oven for approximately 15 minutes.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Good morning

I woke up early this morning, which is so nice when it comes to breakfast! I am at the moment sitting on the couch with a cup of tea and are planning my day.

Auf wiedersehen!


Exam, a cold and it is heavily raining outside. After we spent a week in the Alps with sun and a lot of snow, this was not the week I looked forward to. At least I have a couple of days left until my exam in Fixed Income Securities. It is so silly that the semester at Lund University ends in the middle of January, everything that I had in my short-term memory from the lectures is gone… Well, at the moment I really try to force the information into my long-term memory. What I’ve learnt, 15 times of repetition and it will stay in the long-term memory forever. Guess that is just psychology-junk!

S, my sis and my brother are going to Grandma for dinner tonight. I am so board of take-out food and restaurants that it will be awesome with a real home cooked dinner! I hope for a roast!! The rest of the night will be spent at the cinema together with S, sis and A. (Thank you Friskis&Svettis for the cinema tickets and the free meal tickets you gave me in Christmas present!)

Btw, I got too much nice presents for Christmas I am so coddled from all my family and friends. After my exam on Saturday I will show you some hotshots of what I got!

Time for studying!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Zell am See '11

Happy New Year!

Auf Wiedersehen!


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