Graduation Banquette at Stora Hotellet


Brunch at Spira


Shopping in Jönköping....


Bachelor thesis - completed

We would like to acknowledge people who made this bachelor thesis possible.
We express our gratitude towards Lena Hedén, whom we had continuous contact with during this process. Lena Hedén devoted a lot of time and without her we would not have been able to distribute all the conducted research. We would like to thank all the respondents who replied on our survey. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge Lena Hedén and Jenny Hillerström Schuldt for the in-depth interviews.
A special thank you to Andreas Timglas, who provided us with constructive feed- back and advice throughout our research. We appreciate all the time and effort he devoted to improve our thesis.
We greet our tutor, MaxMikael Björling, for all the help, the constructive feedback and the supportive guidelines, which enriched our thesis. We will also state our thankfulness to fellow academic classmates, who have provided us with useful in- puts and critics during the semester.
Finally, we express our appreciation towards family and friends who gave us moral support throughout the research process.
I will also, personally, like to acknowledge my team members Johanna and Hanna for really good work this semester!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Home made sushi

The Lucky One

Cauwell is delivering!
Auf Wiedersehen!
After work
After work at Studion with all my friends. A glass of wine suits us good after all shopping L and I did this afternoon. We found the tiniest table ever, but the AW-rush in Jönköping is crazy. I think every inhabitant between 20-60 attends AW every Friday. It is always nice to see people having a good time.

Odd Molly

Viva la France.



The Studio


Auf Wiedersehen!

Hello apple
E and I had the greatest workout last night, I started out 30 min on the cross trainer and then did the WOD. When I am almost done she is coming with tickets to the body attack. Pusch! 60 minutes of cardio.
I love being back with my classmates! Just see how cute they are. Have you recognized all the apple computers? It reminds me of that I really need a new one.
I am going home today. It is still exam period at Lund University and I got my exam in Public Economics left. Wish me good luck!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Club Caj
We went to Club Caj at Karlssons Salonger yesterday. I had almost forgot how funny it used to be!
Mingle Pics
Auf Wiedersehen!
I moved to Jönköping today. Mom helped me out driving me up with all my belongings. After a long day I finally got installed, accept from that I don’t have any freezer, TV cable or internet… At least I got my clothes!
Here is some pictures from my new apartment;
Auf Wiedersehen!