Why is it always crappy rainy weather in Jönköping? Lucky me, I got Hunters! Even though I prefer to use heels wellington boots are comfy!
I met all my classmates yesterday at a gathering at Ronnie’s and Rickard’s apartment. The happiness just bubbled inside me when I came home. I didn’t know how much I really had missed them until last night. This final semester will be AWESOME!
I have some mission to accomplish today, first of all I need to get in contact with the study counselor and discuss my courses for this semester. Also, I need to buy a bike, found one on last night… Finally, I am going to buy a gym membership. Gladly, my cute Friskis&Svettis geeks keep sending me workouts for the week. I promise, you wont be disappointed I will get back fitter than ever!
Auf Wiedersehen!