This year celebration was in Lund along with C. The weather was awesome and we started off the day with rosé wine in the sun.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Spring Inspiration - 2012
Jönköpings biggest fashion show - Spring Inspiration. L and I started this night with a delicious tapas dinner and Champagne. The fashion show this year was placed at Spira, which is Jönköpings new opera house. After a spectacular show, we finished the night at the after party at Karlssons Salonger.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Google Photography Prize 2012

New deadline

Cauwell is delivering!
Auf Wiedersehen!
My Saturday started off pretty well - 60min of BodyPump and afterwards I run around Munksjön, which is 5,5km, in less than 30min. My body feels a bit sore at the moment, but it is definitely worth it!
The afternoon disappeared with cleaning the apartment and relaxing in front of the TV. I can't wait until tonight! My friends are going to have a big party and it will be so much fun. I am excited to dress-up a bit as well, that's pretty much the best thing with parties though.

After work
After work at Studion with all my friends. A glass of wine suits us good after all shopping L and I did this afternoon. We found the tiniest table ever, but the AW-rush in Jönköping is crazy. I think every inhabitant between 20-60 attends AW every Friday. It is always nice to see people having a good time.

The weekend is coming up! I am at the moment at my hairdresser and I am refreshing my hair with highlights and a cut. I love everyday luxury! L and I are going to eat lunch after I am done here.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Thesis - Thesis - Thesis

Odd Molly

70min spin class

S and I had a great dinner at a Brazilian restaurant just around the corner of our apartment in Malmö. Yummy!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Wow! This Saturday looks good! Champagne is coming up!!
Auf Wiedersehen!
All time high

Good morgon
Thursday morgon and diving training. I love working as a diving instructor, but to start working at 7:30am every Thursday feels a bit too ambitious though.
The rest of the day will be spent with opponent of our thesis. Wish us good luck!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Birthday lunch

Today's gnome


Easter dinner

Happy Easter

Snapshots - Paris

I have been having a great weekend in Paris. I am at the moment having a coffee and a macaron in the sun. Our flight back to Copenhagen which departures at 4pm.
Auf Wiedersehen!