No updates before the 2nd of June

Intermediate Macroeconomics - exam
I have my final exam in Intermediate Macroeconomics in 30minutes. All these equations are giving me headache so I just want to get rid of it.
Life is strange. The weather in Chicago has been really crappy. Gray, rainy and cold. And now when I need it to be exactly like all the other months, it turns out being 28 degrees and sun. Of course the weather forecast for the upcoming weekend is rain and cold again, which sucks!
Today is my last whole day at NPU, I will move out from campus tomorrow night. Cannot wait!
Wish me good luck for my exam!
Free coffee
Some things are awesome! Since the final exam week just started there are tables everywhere serving free coffee and with big signs “Good Luck for Your Final Exams!” Usually I spend more than triple as much money as a usually do on coffee during exam week.
Last night J and I helped Jesus with some money by eating blessed Tacos at Green Space. We are working really hard to help both Jesus and God. Probably they will be extra happy when we leave, which means that God will finally have peace at NPU again.
Time for me to continue my studies, I got two up-coming final exams on Wednesday and Thursday. Have a good night!
3 days 5 hours and 42 minutes
I can't wait to see S♥ again. It feels like these three days will take forever. I am lucky that I have all my final-exams in front of me which I can focus my thoughts on. Today is the beginning of the end, just four more days at NPU. I packed almost everything yesterday, just to see if everything was supposed to fit into my suitcases. Hopefully I can put my wellington boots and some other shoes into S♥ suitcase when he comes. With other words, I am ready to travel around US.
Friday's farwell dinner
The last weekend at NPU. All swedish students' had a farwell dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We also waylayed to celebrate Fredrik's 24th Birthday.
Last homework before final exams
Tomorrow is my last homework due, a quiz in psychology. This time we are studying psychological disorders and treatment to psychological disorders. It feels strange to know that this is my last week in class at NPU, and the spring has not even arrived to Chicago yet. I sat earlier this morning and looked thru all my Chicago-pictures. Alot of things have happened!
A short semester summary:
North Park University
First international dinner at NPU
I got in contact with the winter in Chicago, -30 degrees
First time in Hankock Tower
J and I discovered the advantage of VIP
And all nights out
We went to the outlet in Aurora
I celebrated the Chinese New Year in China Town
S♥ sent me the most beautiful roses for Valentine's Day
First day of spring
Les Miserables on Broadway
Homedelivery PizzaHut - something to implement in Sweden?
J's birthday
First row tickets' to Lady Gaga's Live Concert at United Center
Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico
Sightseeing in Chicago
An unbacked summer breeze entered Illinois
Sis and Mom came and visited me
Easter in NYC
Baseball - Chicago Cubs
Enjoying my last weeks in Chicago
Is the US economy a joke?
The whole US economy feels like a joke for me. Watch this YouTube-clip and get your own oppinion. At least you get a good laugh!

Fashion Guru
I spent my afternoon with my Fashion Guru Fnan. After hours of talking, sushi and haircuts I ended up in front of my computer with the marketing project. After some hours studying I rewarded myself with Macaroons and tea. I tried some different flavors, but the chocolate one is still my favorite!
Ethical dilemma - U.S justice
According to yesterday Bin Laden is killed by U.S forces. Osama Bin Laden was the most wanted face for terrorism since 9.11. But, is it ethical right for U.S forces to kill him, in more detailed shoot him in his head, and afterwards call it justice? In addition to Bin Laden, three men were killed during the 40-minute raid, one believed to be his son and the other two his couriers, according to an American official who briefed reporters under White House ground rules forbidding further identification. And also woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant.
Is justice the right to kill innocent people because that man had killed other civilians?
Water for Elephants
J and I went to AMC theaters yesterday and saw Water for Elephants. It is definitely the best movie I have seen in a long time. Sadly, I did not read the book before we watched the movie. What I have heard, the book is amazing. Therefore my mission this summer, accept from work, studies and weight loss, is to read Water for Elephants written by Sara Gruen.
This sunny Sunday afternoon’s schedule is studies. Just 13 days left of the semester, which means only 13 days left of studies.